Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 5, 2011

Vietnam Airlines sẽ bay đến London vào tháng 12-2011

Vietnam Airlines to start London Gatwick service from Dec 2011

As per 19MAY11 GDS timetable display, Vietnam Airlines from 08DEC11 will launch service to London Gatwick 4 times a week with Boeing 777-200ER aircraft. London is the carrier’s 4th destination in Europe.

The Skyteam member will operate 2 weekly flights each out of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, and currently available for reservation.


VN145 HAN2340 – 0620+1LGW 777 14
VN144 LGW1200 – 0630+1HAN 777 25

VN141 SGN2320 – 0620+1LGW 777 25
VN140 LGW1200 – 0710+1SGN 777 36

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